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Ben and Ed is developed and published by Sluggerfly. It is released on 8th December 2015. You will see an uncommon dystopian world in this game Ben and Ed PC Game has 3 main characters which have their own storylines. Ed before becoming zombie had won Candy Fun Marathon but he died...

In 3 days we will release Ben and Ed. We are proud, excited and look forward to hear your feedback on our game. For 9 month we worked our asses of and hope that thos who buy it will have fun with it. We are proud, excited and look forward to hear your feedback on our game.

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Ben and Ed is a 3D Jump&Run adventure, which takes place in an uncommon dystopian world. The player controls Ed the Zombie, who is forced to participate in a grotesque game show called "Rundead". Ben and Ed (USA) PC Download - Nitroblog - Description: You are Ed, a zombie.. yes, a zombie. And here is your friend Ben, but he is abducted by Hans to be used as a bargain so that Ed must participate on his new show, with a zombie as it’s player. Jouer à Driver's Ed - Jeux gratuits en ligne avec Driver's Ed est un jeu en ligne gratuit addictif du site de jeux gratuits Driver's Ed fait partie des meilleurs jeux de simulation et jeux de parking et de conduite.

En Ben and Ed debemos asumir el papel de Ed, un joven zombie obligado a participar en una curiosa y estrambótica competición, denominada Rundead. Ben and Ed es un juego muy original y divertido, que gustará a todo aquel amante de los juegos de plataformas. NOTA: Para descargar Ben and Ed...

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Développé par le studio indépendant Sluggerfly, Ben and Ed est un jeu dans lequel vous incarnez Ed le zombie. On le force à participer à un jeu télévisé avec des dizaines d'obstacles mortels.